
Wine Bottle Tags for Security: Protect Your Wine Business

Close-up of a mix of red and wine bottles on a metal shelf, for sale in a store.

In the world of wine, every bottle has a unique tale— from sunny vineyards to its careful processing. But, for businesses, each bottle is more than just an investment; it’s also an attractive target for shoplifters. In fact, a recent wine heist in a famous Paris restaurant, where $1.6 million worth of wine disappeared, shows how vulnerable this precious commodity can be. Surprisingly, wine bottle tags, often seen as just decoration, are a strong defense against theft, counterfeiting, and inventory problems. So, let’s explore how these little tags can be a big help for your wine business.

Wine bottle tags: more than what meets the eye

Two hands holding a wine bottle with wine bottle tags placed around the bottle neck, in a wine aisle of a supermarket.

Think wine bottle tags are just for looks? Think again. Whether it’s festive holiday wine bottle tags or personalized wedding favors, these small tags pack a powerful security punch.

  • They scare off thieves: A clearly visible tag, especially one with custom markings or unique identifiers, is more or less a mini alarm. It warns the potential thieves that the bottle is tracked, making it much less attractive to steal. Plus, it can help you trace back if it does get taken.
  • They help you find lost bottles: When the wine bottle is stolen or even misplaced, a detailed tag can help find its whereabouts and help you get it back. Information like the year it was made, the purchase date, or even a unique serial number can prove it is yours.
  • They make managing your wine easy: Tags make it simple to keep track of your wine when you own massive wine cellars and if you’re a professional wine collector. Digital tags with QR codes or NFC technology can be scanned instantly, so you can update your inventory. You can also integrate tags with inventory software to receive real-time updates on stock levels and locations.
  • They fight fakes: Unfortunately, there is a lot of counterfeiting in the wine industry. High-tech tags with tamper-evident features or embedded security elements help you spot the real deal, which can protect both you and your customers.

Different types of wine bottle tags

  • Custom engraved tags: Firstly, these tags are permanent and hard to tamper with. Moreover, engraving details like the owner’s name or unique ID makes it almost impossible to remove or change the tag without damaging the bottle.
  • QR code or NFC tags: These digital tags give you quick access to detailed information about wine. You can link them to online databases or inventory systems for easy tracking and management.
  • Tamper-evident tags: These kinds of wine bottle tags show clear signs if someone tries to remove or change them. they add extra protection against theft or counterfeiting.
  • RFID tags: Radio-frequency identification tags offer advanced tracking and authentication. You can put them inside bottle neck tags or attach them separately. They will allow you to easily monitor the bottle’s movement and history.

Wine bottle tags and your security strategy

Wine bottle tags are great on their own, but they work even better as part of a bigger security plan. Consider combining them with:

  • Secure storage: Make sure your wine cellar or storage area is well-protected with access control, cameras, and alarms. This is your first line of defense.
  • Insurance: Have enough insurance to cover theft, damage, or loss.
  • Inventory management software: Use software to track your collection. Digital tags can make this process even smoother and give you valuable information.

Choosing the right bottle tag for you

The best wine bottle tag depends on your needs and budget. Think about these things when making your choice:

  • Security level: If theft is a big concern for you, choose tamper-evident or RFID tags. If you want to manage your inventory and for basic identification, custom engraved or QR code tags are the perfect choice.
  • Aesthetics: Security is important, but tags can also look nice, matching with the bottle’s appearance. Pick materials and designs that match your style or the occasion.
  • Ease of Use: Consider how you’ll put on and access the tags. Digital tags are convenient but need special scanners.
  • Cost: Tags range in price from simple paper ones to high-tech RFID options. Therefore, first, decide on your budget and prioritize the features that matter most for your security.

Why Asecuri is the right choice?

A hand is shown with a bottle cap to unlock a wine bottle tag from the top of a bottle.

At Asecuri, we know every business is different. That’s why we bring a range of customizable tag solutions and services to your winery industry:

  • RFID Tags and labels: Perfect for high-value wines or businesses with complex supply chains.
  • Tamper-evident seals: Provide clear proof if someone tries to mess with your bottles. And, it effortlessly ensures product integrity.
  • Custom tag design: We can create tags that reflect your brand and meet your specific security or marketing needs. We also offer customized tags for special occasions such as festive Christmas wine bottle tags or personalized wedding wine bottle tags.
  • EAS systems: Enhance your wine cellar or business security with our EAS systems. Not only do they deter theft with visible tags and alarms, but they enable real-time tracking and authenticating products throughout the supply chain, thus protecting your business and consumers.
  • Integration and support: Our team will help you implement the perfect tag solution and integrate it with your existing systems. Moreover, we provide ongoing support to minimize losses and maximize the security of your valuable wine collection.


In today’s world, protecting your assets is essential. Wine bottle tags have evolved from simple decorations to powerful tools for security, identification, and inventory management.
By partnering with Asecuri and choosing the right tag solution, you can safeguard your prized wine collection and enjoy it with peace of mind.

Ready to take the next step? Request a consultation session or contact Asecuri today to learn how our premium wine bottle tag solutions can boost your business’s security.