
Ink Tag Troubles: How To Remove Ink Tags Safely

Neatly folded stacks of pants with sets of ink tag on a store shelf, showcasing loss prevention measures in retail.

Ever bought something new, only to find a stubborn little plastic tag clinging to it? In fact, that’s an ink tag; every retailer’s secret weapon against theft. But, wait, what happens when it’s on your purchased item? You would panic, as you imagine an exploding ink stain ruining your new clothes.

Don’t worry! We’re here to walk you through safe and effective ways to remove ink tags without triggering the security mechanism. Also, we will explore various methods suitable for different types of ink tags, along with precautions to ensure your safety and protect the item.

Understanding ink tags

An ink tag attached to a clothing, hanging on at a store.

Ink tags consist of a small plastic capsule filled with a dye solution. This capsule is attached to the item using a pin or strong adhesive. When the tag is tampered with, the capsule bursts open releasing the ink. Then it stains both the item and likely the surrounding area.

There are two main types of ink tags:

  • Magnetic ink tags: These tags are deactivated using a powerful magnet at the point of sale. When you tamper with them before deactivating, it usually triggers the ink release.
  • Ink pin tags: These tags consist of a pin that pierces through the fabric and a capsule that sits on the top. First, you must remove the pin carefully to avoid breaking the capsule.

Safe ink tag removal: a comprehensive guide

Disclaimer: Removing ink tags can be challenging. But, with the right knowledge and tools, you do it safely and effectively. However, it’s always best to have them removed by the retailer at the point of sale. If that’s not possible, prioritize safety and follow these steps on how to remove an ink tag without it exploding:

  • Wear protective gear: Always wear gloves and safety glasses when attempting to remove the tag. The ink can stain your skin and irritate your eyes.
  • Work in a well-ventilated area: Some ink tag removal methods may involve chemicals or heat. Therefore, make sure there is enough ventilation to avoid inhaling any fumes.
  • Protect the item: Place a cloth or a piece of cardboard under the tag. In fact, it will protect the item from accidental ink spills.
  • Be patient: Ink tag removal can be a delicate process. So, take your time and avoid using excessive force, which can damage the item or trigger the ink release.

Methods to try at home

1. Freezing method:

  • Suitable for: Pin-based ink tags
  • Tools required: Freezer, pliers, screwdriver or nail puller
  • Procedure:
    1. Place the item with the tag in the freezer for at least two hours. In fact, the cold temperature will make the plastic capsule easy to break.
    2. Carefully remove the item from the freezer. Then use pliers to grip the base of the tag.
    3. After that, gently twist and pull the tag until the pin releases from the capsule.
    4. If the pin is stuck, use a screwdriver or a nail puller to detach it.

2. Heating method:

  • Suitable for: Adhesive ink tags
  • Tools required: Hairdryer or plastic scraper
  • Procedure:
    1. First, put a hairdryer on high heat to warm the adhesive on the tag for about 30 seconds.
    2. Then, carefully use a plastic scraper to lift the edge of the tag.
    3. Afterwards, slowly peel the tag off the item. If the adhesive is still strong, apply more heat and continue peeling.

3. Specialized ink tag removers:

  • Suitable for: All types of ink tags
  • Tools Required: Ink tag remover tool
  • Procedure:
    1. Purchase a specialized tag remover tool from hardware stores or e-commerce websites like Amazon, eBay, or Alibaba.
    2. Then, follow the instructions provided with the tool to safely remove it.

Alternative methods (use with caution):

  • Magnet method: You may have to use a strong magnet to deactivate some older tags. However, this method may not be reliable and may not work on newer tags.
  • Drilling Method: You need to drill a small hole in the tag capsule to release the pressure and prevent the ink from spilling. However, this method is risky and can damage the item if not done carefully.

Asecuri advantage: ink tag security solutions

At Asecuri, we understand the importance of effective security measures. Our range of security tags provides reliable protection against theft, helping retailers safeguard their merchandise.

Asecuri is committed to innovation and staying ahead of the curve. Moreover, we continually invest in research and development to create cutting-edge security solutions that address evolving retail challenges. And, above all, we understand that every business is unique, which is why we offer custom design options tailored to your specific requirements.

If you’re a retailer looking for premium quality ink tags or a customer in need of assistance with tag removal, we are here to help. So, why wait? Contact us today or book a consultation session with our team to learn more about our unique products and services.


Removing security tags doesn’t have to be a nerve-wracking experience. With enough knowledge and the right tools, you can safely free your purchases from these security devices. Remember, patience and caution are always key. Therefore, always prioritize safety, take your time, and don’t hesitate to seek professional help if needed. Now, you’re equipped to handle any security tag situation. So, you can be confident that your shopping experience always stays worry-free.